Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Goldilocks reinvented

I am goin to tell you the story of Goldilocks.. in a very differnt way...
and Goldilocks grew up .. she kinda had her wirings redone u knw so that she would'nt mess herself up .. u knw not get lost stuff n all .. and when it was she turned out to be one messed up... person... though she didnt realize it.. or that even if she realized it she didnt acknowledge it...
When she was a kid.. if she got lost by accident.. because of her loose wirings.. decided to get lost on purpose....
So in the wild woods.. wandering.... all by herself.....
Well wandering by herself.. was considered hideousity by ppl . .. ALone in the woods..
but the woods was interesting.. it was filled to new stuff to discover, every turn had a whole new world opeing... the colors were different and the sky held so much beauty to discover yet...
and she found this clearing in the woods.. a one in which the butterflies flocked ... a whole to be exact.. and u cud stare at it all day long and nobody would interrupt in between...
it was haven... and again she kept discovering many more interesting things...
she realised that she was not the only person out there.. once while wandering she met one of the teddy bears.. and with them was this red-indian.. with a strange indian stuff all over...
who invited her to the POW WOW, very Indian.. but Goldilocks had it mind that she would never go to anyplace like tat.. because her pappa had told her never to enter unknown territories..
But since
to be continued

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