Sunday, May 9, 2010


From where and what do I start with, thoughts seems like an endless ocean whose depths cannot be measured. Some are comprehendable others are not,
still they are yours to behold. Lost in thought, engrossed in understanding them.. you seem to forget where you are. And then in one point you just loose
track of your thoughts and remind yourself, one day at a time or rather take in little a time and give out the best you utilize from them.
One such day when I was lost in one of those little worlds, memories came flashing as though a TV was just switced on.. I saw myself in those happy days and
in those sad times, when I knew where life was taking me and when I stood confused at the cross roads. Pondering on those mistakes made, how to grow over
them, how to take a turn over those little puddles of life.

I remembered my 2nd favourite church St.Patrick's of course the first place would always go to the Bascillica of my home town.. there are so many memories I
cherish of that place.. it was not only a place of prayer.. and come to think of it, it was on those grounds I learned to cycle.. from the samllest to the biggest
memory was centered around that church.

I didnt know about this church, but had noticed it a few times from the bus.. it did give an inviting feel.. but for some reason never actually went there..... for lame excuses like I didnt know the timings etc. A friend who used to go there invited, and I went there.. It was a june or july evening.. I remembered the first time I went to that church.... Peacefully quiet in the middle of the heart of Bangalore stood this builing painted in a light shade of pink. I stepped in there and found out that, the building was there for quiet some time as in it really was a token to history just like my bascillica. I saw memorial stones on the walls of the church, of loved ones which dated back to the 19th century and ye they were of the classy old Britishers who used to live here then... hardly saw any Indian names.. of then .. but a few from the recent past. Examining the domes and arches I realized it was'nt a sophisticated place because of the architechture , but it carried history with simple strokes of architecture and most importantly it was a house of prayer and so I felt peace as I stepped in there. I looked through the benches, and a glance down made me realize I was standing on a grave. I felt a little uneasy,
standing on priest's grave but then it was too into the service to switch places. The songs just lightened the way you felt and its symphony just drowned you in
it, that it just made you to enjoy it silently. Going back we had a nice dinner, and that was the very first time I had tried a stake, felt nice and ye .. geting back to my place was really sweet, because it started raining cats and dogs and ye came home drenched.

But then for the next year I've been going there almost every sunday and its been my a routine now, everytime I go there its different, the sights the sounds the people... Its a vibrant place if you'd ask me.. you can feel the presence of God,and see the families, the singles and the nomads. Different kinds of people, of Bangalore in that church.

There are a few valuable lessons I learned and will treasure from that church, "Enjoy as much of you want to if you make the right decisions" but what are decisions based on, what people consider right or just what you consider is right randomly..thats for each one to decide :) I did make my choice on something above people above my own mind which keeps changing. Based it on something worthwhile, something more than we think we know, on our creator, he is going to be the same no matter what changes around or in us.
But then placing your trust on someone greater than you, we had to have something solid to go to him with even though he didnt require it of us, but that was what we were supposed to be doing, and I do keep falling short of good and sometimes against the principle he has given. But when those questions of doubts arose this priest once said "We do make mistakes, but try not to, we may fail, but god sees our heart"And these are the two valubale things I learned from going to that church.

to be continued :)


  1. I liked the way you presented the entire theme. The passion towards your own church and loved that you shared your passion for this new church. You have the skill of observation , however you could increase that. Observe too close , so you will get the details and the reader will be visualizing the entire scene. Its better when you write , visualize the entire scene by closing your eyes. Then you could find more details. Paint the entire picture using words.

    Another point which I noticed is about this line. " but what are decisions based on, what people consider right or just what you consider is right randomly..that's for each one to decide :)". I do not completely agree with this line, the point is that sometimes we need suggestions from people around us. Also sometimes we need to consider them if we can give a smile on their face. In our life , in some point of time , if stopping ourselves make someone happy, we should do it. I agree that we need to decide completely, but consider them when you decide.

    Overall the theme was nice and I loved the church. Where is it located ?

  2. :) i agree about what you said about the people, but at times i think we should make our decisions then ask for advice.. and then take our decision..... or maybe I am still missing something. But seriously thanks for the advice.. helps a lot :)
    This church is in the start of Brigade just before hitting residency road....... its a big place you wont miss it.
