Saturday, November 24, 2012

Trans and Cry

The sky fell into a trans..
Clouds turned into a dark trail of outbursts of cries from of old
The lightning came not as the gift of light, but that of fury from up above
Thunder resounded the mistakes of old aloud 
All one could do is stand and watch
This too shall pass, a voice was heard looking like a rainbow 
A voice that could not calm the rage
But truly brought reason into outrage 
And when it did pass and the stillness of nature hailed 
One could just not wonder
Was the rage of nature worth waiting for?
It still remains beyond comprehension why again one awaits the arrival of the thunder storm 
just to see the rainbow


  1. "Was the rage of nature worth waiting for?" Always worth waiting for ..... All violence and disturbance should come to an end.........

  2. When all the disturbances end the rainbows comes .. and then again you wait for a thunderstorm just to see a rainbow.. so I was just wondering whether the wait even though troublesome is worth waiting for
